Students of Instituto Superior Técnico participate in the competition "Race Party 2023" organized at the University of Minho

Um grupo de alunos de licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica abraça o desafio de construir A group of Mechanical Engineering students embraces the challenge of building a custom minicar in a competition with hundreds of students.

The University of Minho has been organizing annually the "Race Party" competition where undergraduate students are challenged to design and produce a minicar propelled by the deformation energy of a spring provided by the organization. This challenge is an opportunity for students to consolidate and apply the knowledge learned in the various engineering disciplines.

For the first time this year (2023), this competition welcomed 5 external teams, including students from Instituto Superior Técnico and the Universities of Aveiro, Coimbra and Porto. This experience will be useful for the visiting Professors and Students to organize the "Race Party" competition in their respective Universities in the coming years, given the success and positive impact of this competition on the students' education.

The "Race Party" competition has a dedicated Youtube channel where the students' participation can be seen (see: [HERE]). The video of the IST team is available [HERE] and the compilation of the 2023 event is available [HERE].
