
Environment and Energy Laboratories
- Environment Laboratory
- Laboratory of Thermofluids, Combustion and Energy Systems
Laboratories of Control, Automation and Industrial Informatics
- Acoustics
- Industrial Automation
- Control
- Integrated Control of Production
- Electronics and Instrumentation
- Adaptive Structures and Composites Materials
- Humanoid Robots
- Mechatronics
- Robotics
- Vision
Laboratories of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
- Naval Architecture Laboratory
- Naval Engineering Informatics Laboratory
Laboratories of Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering
- Laboratory of Aeroacoustics and Dynamics of Flight
- Flight Test Laboratory
- Space Laboratory
- Laboratory of Applied Mechanics
- Aerospace Design Laboratory
- Flight Simulation Laboratory
Laboratories of Structural and Computational Mechanics
- Biomechanics Laboratory
- Laboratory of Experimental Mechanics
Laboratories of Mechanical Design and Experimental Mechanics
- Mechanical and Materials Testing Laboratory
- Nanostructured Materials Laboratory
- Product Development Laboratory
- Vibration Laboratory
- Composites Materials Laboratory
- High Temperatures Laboratory
Laboratory of Manufacturing and Industrial Management
- Manufacturing and Process Technology Laboratory
- Mechanical Testing Laboratory
- Industrial Machine Tools Training Laboratory
- Industrial Metrology Laboratory
- Rapid Prototyping & Material Characterization Laboratory
Laboratories of Thermofluid and Energy Conversion Technologies
- Laboratory of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Combustion Laboratory
- Hydrogen Laboratory
- Laboratory of Vehicles and Propulsion Systems
- Simulation Laboratory in Energy and Fluids - LASEF
- Transport Laboratory
- Turbomachinery Laboratory
- Heat Transmission Laboratory