Mechanical Engineering Library (BDEM)

The Library of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (BDEM) emerged in 1984 due to the need to bring together a common space for the bibliographic collection existing in several Research Centres. It is an open access library, specialized in scientific areas that cut across various branches of knowledge.
Its mission is to manage, organize, preserve and make available its bibliographic resources. Within the scope of its attributions, it is responsible for ensuring the provision of information to the academic community, as a support service for teaching, learning and research. Its services are preferably aimed at students, teachers and researchers, whether internal or external.
The library is located next to a study room and consists of 4 rooms, where 35 places for face-to-face reading are distributed, in addition to the entrance room where the service desk is located.
Instituto Superior Técnico
Pavilhão de Mecânica I, 3º Piso
Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa
Tel: + 351 21 8417266/8417942
Ext. 1266/1942 (for internal use)
Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Note: During the month of August it works with reduced hours
Its bibliographic collection comprises around 16,000 titles, including books, reference works, academic works, standards, catalogs and technical reports and around 784 periodicals, of which 560 are currently located in its facilities.
To search for bibliographic references and information about their location and availability, consult the BIST - KOHA online catalog.
For information about existing periodicals, see list.
- Face-to-face reading
- Home loan
- Renovations
- Reservations
- Inter-library loan
- Self-service photocopies / Scanning
- Access to electronic information resources
- Reference service / User support
Access to the DEM Library is free, although the need to present an identification document is safeguarded whenever the employees so wish.
Library users must leave their suitcases, briefcases or bags at reception upon delivery of an access paper.
It is not allowed to speak loudly or use the cell phone inside the Library.
Smoking, eating and drinking are strictly prohibited in the reading rooms.
The consultation of all works exhibited in the Library is free and of direct access.
Any question or information about the location and availability of the works can be obtained from the employees.
Once the consultation is over, the works must be left on the table, for later storage by the employees.
For the most part, books can be requested for home loan, by internal users whose records are recorded in the library's computer system (these data come from the Fénix information system).
Journals, academic works, reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias,…) and certain books identified with a red stripe on the quota label are documents for local consultation.
The home loan is carried out in accordance with the regulations in force at BIST (IST Libraries) and varies according to the characteristics of the user:
- Faculty and Researchers – 15 books for 30 days
- 3rd Cycle Students – 5 books for 30 days
- 1st and 2nd Cycle Students – 3 books for 7 days
- Non-teaching staff – 5 books for 7 days
Renewal of the book loan term is allowed up to a maximum of two times, as long as there are no other users on the waiting list.
Renewals can be requested as follows:
- Locally at the library counter;
- By telephone contact;
- By filling in the Reservation form on BIST website;
- Directly to BDEM via email:
Requests for reservations can be made as follows:
- Locally at the library counter;
- By filling in the Reservation form on the site of BIST;
- Directly to BDEM via email:
The reservation will be kept for a period of 3 days, after which it will be void.
Return of books
The works must be returned to the library by the date indicated on the loan in order to avoid periods of delay in accessing the library by other users.
Failure to comply with the return deadline implies the loss of access to the home loan in all IST libraries until the situation is restored.
The loss or damage of the requested work implies its replacement or the delivery of the monetary value necessary for its replacement.
The list of available journals can be found here.