Técnico Masterclass – Department of Mechanical Engineering

Date: 28th September
Hour: 5 p.m.
Venue: Congress Centre, Alameda Campus, Civil Engineering Building (Floor -1)
Participate: Registration (free of charge and mandatory)
Get to know the master’s programmes offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Técnico, the professors, the students and all the opportunities that open up when you come to study at Técnico.
5.00 p.m. | Opening of doors
5.30 p.m. | Lecture: Prof. Paulo Ferrão
6.30 p.m.| Get to know the master’s programmes with students, professors and opportunities (student support, scholarships, internationalisation)
7.30 p.m. | End of event
Paulo Ferrão is a Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa and President of IN+, Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research. He is a board member of the EUREKA Association and a former President of the COST association (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). He was the President of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia from 2016 to 2019, and Director of the MIT-Portugal Program from 1996 to 2016. He is a member of the Environmental Advisory Committee of Rolls-Royce. He has been active in “Sustainable Cities”, where he co-authored a book at MIT-Press on “Sustainable Urban Metabolism”. He is a member of the European Commission Mission Board on “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities”, and he has been engaged with the U.S. National Academies as a member of the Sustainability Roundtable, the Committee on “Sustainability Linkages in the Federal Government” and the committee of “Pathways to Urban Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for the United States”. He has been leading the urban project component in two ADB (Asian Development Bank) projects, for which the publication “Urban metabolism of six Asian Cities” emerged. His scientific career has evolved within the areas of “Laser diagnostics for turbulent combustion”, “Energy Systems” and “Industrial Ecology”. He is very active in the area of Waste management, and he was the coordinator of the National Waste Management Strategy for Portugal and of the Portuguese Municipal Waste Management Strategic Plan (PERSU 2020).
Master’s programmes offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering:
Master’s Programme in Mechanical Engineering
Master’s Programme in Aerospace Engineering
Master’s Programme in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Master’s Programme in Materials Engineering
Master’s Programme in Environmental Engineering
Master’s Programme in Energy Engineering and Management
About Técnico Masterclasses:
Técnico offers 33 master’s programmes ranging from Engineering to Architecture, from Aerospace Engineering to Bioengineering, from Engineering Physics to Civil Engineering, from Electronics Engineering to Chemistry, from Natural Resources to Computer Science, from Management to Nuclear Technologies, including Mathematics.
Every month, we invite you to come and meet the professors, and to learn more about the student projects and all the opportunities that are available to those who study at Técnico. The Masterclasses take place on a Thursday, at 5 p.m., in Técnico Congress Centre, Lisbon.
Full Programme: