Seminars@DEM - Rui Moura Coelho

"Characterization of gait and ankle impedance" - April 19, 2024, Friday, 3:00 pm, Pavilhão de Mecânica II, amphitheatre AM

Date: April 19, 2024, Friday
Time: 3:00 pm
Place: Pavilhão de Mecânica II, amphitheatre AM

Speaker: Rui Moura Coelho (Scientific Area of Control, Automation and Industrial Informatics of DEM/IST, IDMEC - Institute of Mechanical Engineering, LAETA)

Title: "Characterization of gait and ankle impedance"


Gait disorders tremendously hinder the quality of life of the affected people. In an increasingly older population, locomotion issues are expected to increase even further. People who develop locomotion difficulties will end up using some sort of external aid, such as a cane, an orthotic device or a wheelchair, for the most critical cases. Currently, the orthotic solutions available on the market are very limited in their functionality. This limitation arises from the lack of understanding of how neuromotor control achieves stable locomotion, since there is a gap in the knowledge on how the human brain defines intent and how it is translated into proper movement in a fine balance between planned action, contact accommodation and reflexes. In this Seminar, it will be presented our current efforts towards improving our understanding of the Neuromechanics in Human Locomotion, and in particular, on the Ankle Mechanical Impedance, and how it can be externally perceived in order to design variable impedance Ankle-Foot Exoskeletons.

Short Biographic Note:

Rui Moura Coelho is an Assistant Professor in the Scientific Area of Control, Automation and Industrial Informatics of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) since 2023, and integrated member of IDMEC - Institute of Mechanical Engineering, LAETA. Rui Moura Coelho concluded his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at IST in November 2021. He obtained a Double Degree Masters in Electrical Engineering from IST and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, in Sweden), in the area of Control, Systems, and Robotics, in 2013. Rui Moura Coelho’s ultimate goal is to perfect physical Human-Robot interaction, to the point where the boundaries between Human and robotic systems will blur, as to harvest the complete human potential, while enhancing and augmenting its biological capabilities, even when impaired. Its applications range from industrial robots to exoskeletons and prosthesis.

This is another Seminar of the “Seminars@DEM” cycle.
Next Seminar, May 3, 2024, Friday, 3:00 pm.
