Seminars@DEM - Prof. Satish Kandlikar

“Innovation – Backbone of Research: A Boiling Case Study", March 29, 2023, Wednesday 11.30 am, South Tower, amphitheatre QA1.2
Data: March 27, 2023, Wednesday
Time: 11h30
Local: South Tower, amphitheatre QA1.2
• Speaker: Prof. Satish Kandlikar (Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA)
• Title: “Innovation – Backbone of Research: A Boiling Case Study"
• Abstract
Innovation is driving research in all fields as technological advances in fundamental sciences open up a wide world of possibilities. Enhancement in boiling heat transfer is showcased as an example benefitting from new discoveries such as graphene and nanostructures. At the same time, looking at boiling as a bubble-centric phenomenon led to discoveries of mechanisms such as separate liquid-vapor pathways and increased contact line density. The final solutions look deceptively simple – revealing a basic truth: simple designs are difficult to arrive at, but are perhaps the most efficient ones. The talk is aimed at developing a new insight among the students and researchers to develop a highly productive innovative work environment.
• Short biographic note
Satish Kandlikar is working in diverse areas including pool and flow boiling, water management in fuel cells and breast cancer detection. Innovation and creativity are the hallmarks of his team which has presented novel ways to improve performance in these fields. He has published over 400 research papers and graduated 15 PhD students and over 100 MS student in a career spanning over 40 years. He has received numerous awards including the coveted ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award.
This is another seminar of the “Seminars @ DEM” cycle.