Seminars@DEM - Nelson Marques (Director of Operations, FS Dynamics Portugal)

"The path of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE): a personal tale" - December 12, 2024, Thursday, 3:00 pm, Pavilhão de Mecânica II, amphitheatre AM

Date: December 12, 2024, Thursday
Time: 3:00 pm
Place: Pavilhão de Mecânica II, amphitheatre AM

Speaker: Nelson Marques (Director of Operations, FS Dynamics Portugal)

Title: "The path of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE): a personal tale"


The future of Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) remains perennial, as stimulating as it is uncertain. Based on a 24-year professional journey, the history of the CAE sector will be presented, with emphasis on fluids, i.e. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), encouraging student involvement. Anecdotes, perspectives, opinions, and recommendations will be addressed, ideally useful for those who wish to succeed in the sector or, conversely, want to avoid it. Since CAE is an essential part of 21st-century engineering practice, the aim is to describe the "other side of the mirror" as an informal supplement to what is taught at the university.

Short Biographic Note:

With an undergraduate and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Nelson Marques has developed his entire professional career in the field of CFD/CAE - Computational Fluid Dynamics/ Computer-Aided Engineering. He is currently responsible for the Portuguese office of one of the largest CAE consultants in Europe, FS Dynamics, where he oversees Portuguese contributions to dozens of projects worldwide, across various industrial sectors. He is also a Guest Adjunct Professor at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL).

This is another Seminar of the "Seminars@DEM" cycle.
Next Seminar, January 10, 2025, Friday, 3:00 pm.
