Seminars@DEM - Luís Ferro

“Report of my experience at Federal Rural University of Semi-Árido, Brazil" - June 22, 2022, Wednesday 1.30 pm, Pavilhão de Informática III, amphitheatre FA3
Date: June 22, 2022, Wednesday
Time: 1.30 pm
Place: Pavilhão de Informática III, amphitheatre FA3
• Speaker: Luís Ferro (Associate Professor at Federal University of Semi-Árido of Brazil)
• Title: “Report of my experience at Federal Rural University of Semi-Árido, Brazil"
• Abstract:
I started my professional activity in Brazil in June 2010. Between June 2010 and February 2011, I was a post-doctoral fellow of CNPq (National Council for Technological Research and Development) and at FUNCAP (Cearense Foundation for Support to Scientific and Technological Development) at the Federal University of Ceará. In February 2011 I started my activity at University Federal Rural of Semi-Árido (UFERSA) where I was admitted by public competition as an Assistant (Adjunct) Professor. UFERSA is based in the city of Mossoró in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and has three more campus located in Caraúbas, Angicos and Pau dos Ferros. It is a young university as it was created by Federal Law in 2005. UFERSA and Brazilian universities in general have an organization and a type of operation quite different from Portuguese universities.
In this seminar I intend to report my experience at UFERSA, describing my path since my admission. In introduction, the admission process for professors in Brazilian universities in general and at UFERSA in particularly will be presented. Organization and functioning of UFERSA will also be mentioned. Next, I will describe my activities of teaching, research, extension and administration at UFERSA. In research, activities developed in Scientific Initiation Program at UFERSA will be highlighted, as well the activities within the scope of student project Aerodesign of SAE Brasil and in the administrative scope in Permanent Committee on Academic Personnel Processes.
• Short biographic note
Luís Morão Cabral Ferro is Associate Professor at Federal University of Semi-Árido of Brazil, at Engineering and Technologic Department of Engineering Centre, since 2011. He holds a degree on Mechanical Engineering, branch of Applied Thermodynamics at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in 1981. He is Master of Science at Transfer and Conversion Energy from IST (1986). He holds a PHD from IST in Mechanical Engineering (2009). He began his activity after the conclusion of Mechanical Engineer course (1981) at the Mechanical Engineering Department of IST as Technical Assistant between 1981-1992. Between 1992 and 1999 he developed his professional activity as general manager of the companies Soonda, Sociedade Portuguesa de Automóveis and ATECNIC. Between 1997 and 2010 he was Assistant Professor at High School of Technology at Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal. He began his professional activity in Brazil in 2010 as post-doctorate scholarship of CNPq and FUNCAP, that ends at 2011.
This is another seminar of the “Seminars @ DEM” cycle.