Luiz Braga Campos will be awarded the Title of Emeritus Professor of ULisboa

The ceremony to confer the title of Emeritus Professor of Universidade de Lisboa to Professor Luiz Manuel Braga da Costa Campos will take place on 31st May 2022, at at 5 p.m. at Salão Nobre (Main building, Alameda Campus).
5.00 p.m. – Opening Session by Professor Rogério Colaço, President of Instituto Superior Técnico
5.10 p.m. – Speech by Professor Pedro Coelho, President of Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM)
5.15 p.m. – Speech by Professor António Falcão, Emeritus Professor of Universidade de Lisboa, from Técnico/DEM
5.25 p.m. – Speech by Professor Fernando Lau, Coordinator of Master Programme in Aerospace Engineering
5.35 p.m. – Speech by Professor João Miranda Lemos, Coordinator of Doctoral Programme in Aerospace Engineering
5.45 p.m. – Spech by Professor Fernanda Moleiro, DEM faculty, Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering Scientific Area
5.55 p.m. – Ceremony to confer the title of Emeritus Professor of Universidade de Lisboa
6.00 p.m. – Speech by Professor Luiz Braga Campos
6.20 p.m. – Closing session by Professor Luís Ferreira, Rector of Universidade de Lisboa
6.30 p.m.– Presenting compliments to the Emeritus Professor
6.40 p.m. – Port of Honour
The solemn session will be open to the public and a limited number of seats will be available.