2023/24: FST Lisboa’s best season
Last year, the Técnico students’ organisation achieved new records and secured podium places in national and international competitions.

The Formula Student Lisboa (FST Lisboa), a Técnico students’ organisation, achieved its best results in the 2023/24 season, which is now coming to an end.
FST13’s participation in Barcelona (Spain), Hockenheim (Germany) and Castelo Branco (Portugal) in the Electric Vehicle (EV) and Driveless Vehicle (DV) categories earned the 50 Técnico students new records and podium places.
The Técnico team took 1st place on the podium in the two categories the team competed at Formula Student Portugal, held from 3 and 7 September. It also set records in SkidPad and Accleration.
Earlier, in Barcelona, at Formula Student Spain, the Técnico team ranked 2nd in the DV category and 1st in the Design, SkidPad and Acceleration races. The competition, held between 1 and 7 August 2024, was hampered by high temperatures. However, as the Técnico president, Rogério Colaço, explains, ‘the FST Lisboa brings together Técnico students from various areas of engineering to design, build and race a new car every year, with new challenges’ and the heat was another challenge overcome.
In Germany, after an accident, the FST 13 returned to the competition and came 7th out of the 80 teams competing between 12 and 18 August.
Formula Student, a university engineering competition, is held annually around the world. The teams are judged not only on the speed of their car but also on their overall design, performance and financial management.
This season, 64 students took part in FST Lisboa, most of them studying Aerospace, Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering at Técnico, joined by students from other areas such as Economics and Industrial Management, with Vinci Energies Portugal and its brands as the main sponsors.
The first team was created in 2001 by a students’ organisation, with the aim of applying the theoretical knowledge taught in classes.
In July, Formula Student Lisboa tested equipment at the 2nd edition of ARTEX, a programme organised by the Portuguese Army at the Santa Margarida Military Camp, in Constância. The team was also present at the last European Researchers’ Night on 27 September.
The prototype, presented on 28 June, and the FST Lisboa team will be at the ‘World’s Largest Computer Programming Lesson’ on 12 October – at the Técnico Innovation Center powered by Fidelidade, in Lisbon.