1st Edition of José Miranda Scholarship
The Mechanical Engineering student Rafaela Brás is the first recipient of this Merit Scholarship.

The first José Miranda Scholarship was delivered this Wednesday, December 21, to the Técnico student Rafaela Brás (Mechanical Engineering – 1st year). The ceremony took place at the Civil Engineering, Alameda campus.
Rafaela Brás thanked “the help” and stressed that this scholarship “is also an opportunity”. The scholarship patron, professor Rosa Miranda (daughter of José Miranda), expressed her wish that the years spent at Técnico “can make a difference in the student’s life”. Professor Rosa Miranda shared “I was fortunate to have studied here. Técnico definitely was a very important milestone in my life: I learnt a lot, I liked so much studying here that I came back as a professor and then as a researcher”.
Professor Rogério Colaço, President of Técnico, and professor Alexandre Francisco, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, also attended the ceremony. The President of Técnico highlighted that this is an initiative based on the concept of giving back and paying tribute.
The José Miranda scholarship programme was launched in the current academic year (2022/2023) and aims to support students of recognised merit who demonstrate financial needs, through renewable annual scholarships.
More information about the eligibility conditions for the José Miranda Scholarship is available here.